A Brief Introduction


A twenty-something almost lawyer from Ontario. Books are my fuel, comfort food is my soul food, and I still haven’t given up hope that I will see the Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup.

I’m passionate about social justice issues, intrigued by most everyone I meet, and I like making lists (got this one from my Dad, but please don’t tell him).

Writing is my analgesic. It takes me away from pain and brings me closer to myself. I hope it can do the same for you.

Lengthier Musings

Rida - About Me

My name is Rida, and I’m a mix of many forms. A Canadian, a Pakistani, and a Muslim, just to name a few. Despite these seemingly defined titles, I’ve struggled to fashion a united identity. My parents taught me collectivism and religious commitment. School and society espoused individuality and secularism. I’m thankful that neither stifled my intellectual curiosity, but it’s been a juggling act.

Slowly, I’ve come to realize that no particular facet of my identity is more important than any other. Having them fight for dominance never achieved much more than sparking a civil war between my head and my heart.

As I’ve grown, I’ve worked towards inner reconciliation. Through the journey I’ve come to understand that logic as it pertains to identity and emotions is never black and white. Making peace with ourselves requires us to swim in the grey. Labelling and organizing our identity into neat sections could never capture the beautifully fluid and wild elements that make us who we are.

Not having all the answers makes me feel vulnerable. Yet, I know that progress is not achieved from a comfort zone. Vulnerability is where the magic happens. This blog is my space to share my vulnerabilities through my words. Whether you agree or disagree with something I write, I hope you’ll be brave enough to step out of your own comfort zone and engage with me. Leave a comment or send me an email, I truly do welcome it all!